July turned out to be a funny month - It’s normal for us to be inundated with hundreds of Sand Martins but this year they just didn’t seem to turn up, or went early. Not through a lack of trying our Sand Martin tally for the year is less than some single evenings we had last year! We hear others found this too.
That said, while we didn’t get the quantity we did get the quality. Reed Buntings became our staple and Linnet often made its way into the net too. And, of course, there was much excitement when we ringed two Green Sandpiper and two Yellow Wagtail, both new for our site and ringing ticks all round for a change.
Over at our Scarborough site Dave managed a single Storm Petrel, always a dedicated achievement to catch them in Yorkshire.

Green Sandpiper

Yellow Wagtail
706 New birds in July at our Bishop Monkton sites - Green Sandpiper 2, Sand Martin 220, Swallow 130, House Martin 4, Meadow Pipit 5, Yellow Wagtail 2, Pied Wagtail 17, Wren 8, Dunnock 6, Robin 5, Redstart 2, Blackbird 5, Song Thrush 1, Grasshopper Warbler 3, Sedge Warbler 49, Reed Warbler 8, Whitethroat 46, Garden Warbler 1, Blackcap 4, Chiffchaff 14, Willow Warbler 37, Marsh Tit 3, Blue Tit 4, Great Tit 2, Treecreeper 2, Jay 1, Jackdaw 1, Tree Sparrow 3, Chaffinch 3, Greenfinch 1, Goldfinch 18, Linnet 5, Bullfinch 17, Yellowhammer 3, Reed Bunting 74.